Music is the greatest invention of people. It’s something magical, fascinating, and extraordinary. Born in distant primitive times, it still reflects the traditions and customs of different peoples. And it’s not for nothing: the language of music is so simple and understandable. People listen to music on the radio, go to pop song concerts, watch music shows on television, buy tracks on CDs or listen online. Each of us immerses ourselves in the world of music every day. In this article, we want to talk about several interesting facts related to the world of music.
Where did the word “Music” come from?
Music is a word of Greek origin. The Hellenes had muses who were patrons of arts and scientific knowledge. These goddesses had a talent for dancing, music, and playing musical instruments such as the divine harp. For example, Terpsichore was a dance muse and is still considered the patroness of dancers. The word “music” appeared from the common name of the daughters of the thunder god Zeus.
When did the music appear?
Historians and archaeologists claim the emergence of music at the same time as speech. Cave people worked together with the whole human herd and made constantly repeated sounds to coordinate the rhythm. These sounds helped improve the productivity of collective work and later began to acquire the character of melodic sounds that are pleasant to the ear. Even later, the sounds started to be complemented by dances to maintain the rhythm better. The primitive man realized that musical sounds charge positively, unite the team, and are easily perceived. And dancing to music has grown into primitive rituals.
How musical instruments emerged
Archaeologists have found rock paintings made by ancient people in the sands of Africa. Drawings in the desert depict the oldest man with strange devices in his hands that do not look like tools or weapons. Historians believe that the caveman represented holds the oldest musical instrument in the world.
We do not know and most likely will never know the names of the instrument nor any sounds it produced.
The oldest museum in the world with musical instruments
The Chinese specially treated music; the recent findings of scientists confirm this. In early 2000, archaeologists found an ancient museum dating back to the Han era. The finding pleasantly surprised and even shocked researchers: more than 150 musical instruments have been preserved in excellent condition since ancient China. Residents of China knew how to play flutes back in ancient times.
A great classic was deaf
Ludwig van Beethoven is the greatest composer of the late XVIII and early XIX centuries. He mastered the game of violin, harpsichord, flute from an early age. The future classic already wrote music that seemed gloomy and strange to his contemporaries at a young age. But it brought the composer worldwide fame. But not everyone knows that the amazing representative of “Viennese classicism” was deaf very early. He began to develop ear disease tinnitus rapidly.
The composer retired, communicated with few people, moving away from the outside world. But he still wrote symphonies, operas, and sonatas one by one. Probably few people in the world have not heard Beethoven’s famous Moon Sonata or his First Symphony. According to critics, the greatest talent of the genius reveals his “Third Symphony.” Beethoven’s musical works are still relevant. People go to concerts and pay a lot of money to listen to the great composer’s music.
International Music Day
Music is millions of years old, but a worldwide holiday in honor of this art appeared relatively recently. UNESCO established the International Day of Music in 1973, and two years later, symphonic concerts were held around the world in honor of this. Since 1975, the 21 of June has been the main holiday for composers, singers, music lovers, music historians, DJs, clubs, and philharmonic workers.

Rock music
Music can reflect a person’s character, the excitement of the soul. Everyone decides what kind of music they want to listen to: slow or fast, calm or groovy. At the moment, there are a huge number of musical directions. One of the most popular trends in music is rock, which has several styles: from rock and roll to metal. Songs in their content can range from relaxed and easy to gloomy and philosophical.
The rock movement was founded in America after the creation of rock and roll. Born among African Americans, rock soon penetrated all continents and became the favorite music of millions. In the 70s of the last century, in the United States and England, metal came with a wide variety of styles, from hard rock, to powerful and dynamic rock: from classic heavy metal to very heavy metal. And the rebellious desires of music lovers led to the emergence of punk rock.